Digital Archives of Historical Issues of the Predecessors of Our Journal


Thanks to the Digital Library Kramerius project of the National Library of the Czech Republic, you now have the opportunity to look into the historical archives of two predecessors of our journal - Casopis Chemiku Ceskych, Zpravy Spolku Chemiku Ceskych, Chemicke Listy pro Vedu a Prumysl, and Listy Chemicke.

Archive issues of the journal Chemicke Listy pro Vedu a Prumysl from the years 1907-1945.

Archive issues of the journal Listy Chemicke from the years 1877-1906.

Archive issues of the journal Zpravy Spolku Chemiku Ceskych from the years 1872-1876.

Archive issues of the journal Casopis Chemiku Ceskych from the years 1869-1875.

We wish you a pleasant reading!